Congrès AFJO 2019 Association France-Japon d’Orthopédie
開催日時 2019年9月14日(土)~15日(日)
開催場所 Lyon

The 15th Congress of the Franco-Japanese Association of Orthopedics (AJFO) will take place on September 14th and 15th, 2019 at the Marriot Hotel in Lyon, France,just after the Lyon Hip Arthroplasty Congress (LHA 2019) on September 12th and 13th at the Lyon Congress Center (building next door).
Benefit from the opportunity to register for both conferences at an exclusive reduced rate!
AJFO 2019 programme will deliver the most recent scientific advances in generalorthopaedics in Japan and in France.
AJFO 2019: 14th & 15th September 2019, Marriott Hotel, Lyon, France
A rich and varied programme will be revealed in few weeks with many topics related to general orthopedics?in Japan and in France.
Registration, accommodation and call for abstracts opening beginning of June 2019.
The second edition of “Lyon Hip Arthroplasty (LHA)” Congress will take place from the 12th to the 13th September 2019 at the Lyon Congress Centre in France just before AJFO. You soon will have the opportunity to register to 2 orthopaedic congresses at a preferential rate. Don’t forget to book your flight for both conferences!
18 place tolozan 69001 LYON